Heavy Metal Summer Experience

Can you name a few things within the construction industry that have the potential to be better? If so, give yourself permission to jump in and make a change. Join host Todd and guest Angie Simon as they discusswhat changes can and should be made within the industry, the success of the Heavy Metal Summer Experience, how tointuit when you might need to “take a break,” and more. Angie Simon, PE is the co-founder and president of The Heavy Metal Summer Experience. She worked with Western Allied Mechanical for 22 years and is a graduate of the California Polytechnic State University –San Luis Obispo. TODD-TAKES1.When you see a problem in the industry, don’t be afraid to jump in and take action. I love that Angie mentioned she was tired of talking about the lack of skilled labor so she stepped up and created the Heavy Metal Summer Experience Camp to help expose high schoolers to the wonderful world of construction. What a great precedence for others to follow. 2.In order to bring true and lasting change to the industry, it will take the entire construction village to lock arms together. This camp is a great starting place. I’d encourage you all to go to HMSE.org to see how you can participate. 3.Angie said innovation is the lifeblood of the industry but the hard part is being able to turn it off at night. That is so true and important advice. Innovation is crucial and amazing but as with everything it is about finding the right balance. Thank you for listening to this episode. If you are interested in learning more visit our sponsor Applied Software at asti.com for more information. You can listen to this podcast anytime by simply going to Apple podcast, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, be sure to check out our website bridgingthegappod.com. As always, I’m Todd Weyandt thanking you for joining us on the Bridging the Gap Podcast. Keep innovating!